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Amanda Atkinson

Master of Arts in Educational Technology Coursework Showcase

I started the Master of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) program at Michigan State University in the Spring of 2010. I chose this program because of my passion for technology and its potential in the classroom.  My primary goal was to learn about new types of technology that I could integrate in my classroom.


Below you will find examples of the work completed during my program along with a description of the work and what I have learned through the piece of work. I have categorized my projects into 3 categories; communicate ideas, research, and reflection as I feel these are three big ideas that I have taken away from my master's program . Click the boxes below to go to a specific category or scroll down the page to view all.

Click the white "Link" box to view each artifact.

Communicate Ideas


"Always be passionate about ideas and communicating those ideas and discoveries to others in the things you make."

Charles Eames


"Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose."

Zora Neale Hurston


"Without reflection, we go blindly on our way...failing to achieve anything useful."

Margaret J. Wheatley

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